Management Lead:
Jarrod Edwards, P.E
Project Manager:
Jay Watkins
Site Superintendent:
Tony Davidson
Quantum North America was contracted by Trane to demolish and replace numerous HVAC components and associated hydronic piping including: two (2) 40 ton packaged rooftop units, two (2) 10 ton packaged rooftop units, five (5) large indoor and outdoor hydronic air handling units, as well as the associated piping appurtenances and control valves. This work was performed for the Fort Worth Independent School District.
The project included demolishing the existing hydronic piping, rooftop units, and air handlers. Subsequent to the demolition work the replacement equipment was installed. This work was done using coordinated crane lifts and after-hours work to minimize disruption to the classroom teaching and extracurricular activities.
The project required detailed planning to ensure demolition and replacement equipment minimized disruption to the classrooms. Quantum understands that school districts must make the most of their budgets. This means finding the correct balance of equipment that is within their budget but of quality to last for many years; thus, ensuring they get the greatest long-term economic benefit from their investment. Additionally, even the best HVAC equipment cannot perform to its full potential without a high-quality installation. Quantum prides itself in assisting our customers with specifying only equipment that will meet the HVAC and economic needs of our clients as well as installing the job with the same quality we’d expect if we were the customer.
Quantum provided an after-hours installation so we could minimize disruption to the learning environment. We at Quantum North America also like to think there was a student in a math or science class or learning in a vocational class during this installation that will someday be employed by our great company as an engineer, HVAC technician, or a skilled craftsman.